Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Programs Offered
  • 数学(主修和辅修)
  • 应用数学(专业)
  • 数据分析(辅修)

好的赌博软件推荐数学系旨在提供优秀的指导,使您能够胜任所选领域所需的数学, 并通过服务和领导与社会分享赌博十大靠谱软件的专业知识.

Find out more about this department’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.



数学学士学位课程旨在为学生提供良好的数学基础.  作为一个数学专业的学生, 你将学习可以在各种领域使用的分析技能.

  • A minimum 64 credits are required for this major, including 35 upper-division credits.
  • 对于对数学感兴趣的学生来说,这个学士学位是一个很好的背景 作为一个文科专业和那些谁希望教数学在中学水平. 
  • 如果你想获得中学教育的认可, 你必须参加MAT 3401和MAT 3333或MAT 3360作为学士学位数学选修学分的一部分. 
  • A maximum of 2 credits in MAT 4930 may be applied.




  • A minimum 72 credits are required for this major, including a minimum of 40 upper-division credits.
  • 15 credits in related, approved courses in which mathematics is applied are also required. 
  • 课程MAT 4363和MAT 4830 are strongly recommended for the BS. 
  • 你必须保持最少2个.5 GPA for all mathematics courses 获得数学学士学位. 



The BS in Applied Mathematics is a flexible, yet demanding, 为那些对数学应用于某一特定领域的职业感兴趣的学生设计的专业.

In addition to completing coursework in mathematics, 你必须选择一个专注于应用数学的领域, and complete coursework in both fields. Example programs of study can be found on the 数学系网站.

  • A total 78 credits are required for this major, including courses in mathematics and computer science, and a minimum of 20 credits in an applied field.
  • A minimum 47 upper-division credits are required, including 27 in mathematics and 20 in the applied field.
  • 课程MAT 3237, 3238和3360强烈推荐 作为应用数学学士学位高年级选修课的一部分.
  • CSC 2430可以取代CSC 2230 为学生强调计算在他们的应用领域.
  • 本专业所有高年级选修课程必须经数学系批准. In consultation with your faculty advisor, 你必须提交一份个人计划,说明你的专注领域,并列出你打算参加的高级选修课程. 此计划应提交并批准之前,你已经完成了两个以上的高级选修课程在数学或应用领域.
  • 至少有三门应用领域的高年级课程 should be mathematically oriented.

Note: 应用领域的高年级课程通常有不计入总学分的低年级先决条件. Depending on the choice of concentration, 在本专业之外,你可能有多达25个学分的必要的低级别课程.



If you intend to minor in Mathematics, begin with the calculus series: MAT 1234, MAT 1235, and MAT 1236, which are prerequisite to most upper-division courses.

  • A minimum 30 credits are required for this minor, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • 必备的课程 如MAT 2360, MAT 2401和MAT 2720可能需要.


数据分析(DA)使用数据驱动技术将原始数据转换为有用的信息——可用于识别和解决问题的信息, evaluate claims and make inferences, and influence human decisions and machine models. Learn more about this 30-credit interdisciplinary minor.

Entering and completing a major or minor

为了获得学位,你必须完成至少一个学术专业. 上海外国语大学鼓励学生探索不同的学术路径, so if you change your mind about a major or minor, or want to include an additional program, 你可以这样做, 如下所述.

请注意,大学鼓励你在大三开始时进入你选择的专业和辅修专业. 转学为三年级和四年级的学生应在SPU的前两个季度内进入一个专业.

  • If this is your first quarter at SPU 你在申请大学的时候把这个系的专业作为你的第一选择, you have gained entry to the major. To change or add a major or minor, 遵循以下说明.
  • 如果你是SPU学生,SPU累计GPA为2.0 or better, 遵循以下说明 to enter a major or minor in this department.
  • 留校察看学生(SPU累计GPA低于2).0) 在恢复良好的学术成绩之前,不允许进入新的专业或辅修专业.
  • The University requires a grade of C- or better in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, 某些课程可能要求更高的最低成绩. 为了获得更高的分数,你只能重修SPU的课程一次.
  • 为了在这个项目中取得进展, 定期与指导老师讨论你的成绩, 课程进展, and other indicators of satisfactory academic progress. 如果你的成绩或其他因素表明你可能无法成功完成主修或辅修课程, 你的指导老师可以和你一起探索各种选择, which may include choosing a different major or minor.
  • You must complete the major or minor requirements 在你进入主修或辅修专业的那一年,在SPU本科目录中有效.

Future teachers

Elementary Teacher Certification

如果你计划获得实习教师资格证(K-8),并对数学感兴趣, 你必须主修 综合研究专业 with a concentration in mathematics.

  • 该课程包括微积分、代数、几何和统计学.
  • 数学方向的指导老师是卡拉·格雷教授(

Secondary Teachers Certification

如果您计划获得中学(高中)实习教师认证,并在数学方面背书, you should pursue a BA in Mathematics, 你也必须完成 Requirements for 二次认证 through the 教育学院.

If you intend to become a teacher, visit the 教育学院 获取完整信息.



Three years of high school mathematics, 包括三角函数, 是所有进入学位课程的学生都需要的吗. However, if you intend to make mathematics your career, 赌博十大靠谱软件强烈要求你至少学习四年的高中数学.



Check the AP, Cambridge International, and IB transfer chart 看看你的考试成绩是如何计入数学课程要求的.


数学课程的适当安排取决于你的预期专业, as well as eligibility criteria. 参见数学安置 for details.

Time Schedule:

Course planning: 建议课程顺序